See the Unseen…

A unique form of light therapy.
Electromagnetic spectrum Ultraviolet & the different glow effects.
Art that transcends conventional boundaries.

Bogi Fabian´s printing and painting technique is based on a decade-long research and development of paints, colors, techniques, and philosophy that incorporates various glow-in-the-dark techniques such as photo-luminescent, fluorescence, and phosphorescence - showing different colors in natural and ultraviolet light and emitting its own light in the dark. Daylight appearance can show up as any ‘traditional’ depiction, or it can be completely transparent - concealing the underlying imagery under conventional light conditions -while the fluorescence effects show up in the presence of an ultraviolet light source, and the phosphorescent ones appear in complete darkness most dominantly.

Bogi Fabian ultraviolet Magic mural The worlds most advanced 3D color glow prints. Multiluminous Glowing Canvas technology Worlds first GLOWCANVAS Imagine a mesmerizing window into the universe from the comfort of your home. Glow-In-the-Dark Artwork…

Is seeing believing or believing is seeing?

As an artist, I have to believe that I can make the otherwise invisible images in my head visible to everyone. I think that is what an artist does, and that is why we try to come up with something unique, something original, something that has never been seen by anyone, not even by us, artists.

Also, seeing is just part of believing. When we look at something, we only see a reflection of it under specific circumstances. We do not use all our senses to experience something real, and even then, that reflection is limited by our eyes. The spectra of light that go unnoticed by human beings are often seen by other animals and a few chosen ones of us. We call this spectrum of light the ‘ultraviolet’.

The use of ultraviolet technique in imaging sheds light to wherever we would otherwise be unable to behold a single ray of it, enriching the overall experience of visual perception by adding a brand new dimension to it. We can see colors that we would not be able to see by any other means; different contours, shapes, and patterns reveal themselves. As if we were locked in a dark room since birth with a black and white TV and suddenly someone opened the doors to have a look at the outside, the real world.

Seeing - therefore, at its best - is only believing that there is a lot more to see :)

When ultraviolet went mainstream, it quickly turned into a cheap commercial stunt, a gimmick to be used in discos and clubs as an effect among many other lighting technologies. Science, however, has been using the ultraviolet technique in many areas of our lives we would not imagine, but they were not meant to be spectacular by any means.

Art has just been rediscovering the technique, thanks to constantly developing technology. 

My mission with using ultraviolet and photo-luminescent or glow in the dark techniques in my art pieces is to elevate those fantastic and largely unused colors back into where they should belong: something that we can enjoy, something that opens up our perception to the world surrounding us. 

By learning having a lot more things to experience that meets our mortal eyes, we might just have a better understanding of how the world really presents itself and that there are a lot more happening even on the surface than we imagined before. I am hoping that this experience will take us back to a more harmonic unison with nature and each other by revealing, presenting and sharing that extra dimension that further connects us.

Seeing should be believing there is room left for the invisible, believing is making the invisible visible.


Ultraviolet light is one type of electromagnetic wave. Electromagnetic waves are different than waves on a string or waves that you see in water because they don't need anything to travel through. They are waves of pure energy, and because of this, they can travel through empty space.

They also move really quickly, traveling through space at the speed of light. All visible colors of light, as well as microwaves, X-rays, and radio waves, are also electromagnetic waves. The only difference between these types of electromagnetic waves is their frequency and wavelength.

UV radiation is present in sunlight and is also produced by electric arcs and specialized lights such as mercury-vapor lamps, tanning lamps, and black lights. Most of us are exposed to large amounts of UVA throughout our lifetime. A black-light, also referred to as a UV-A light, Wood's lamp, or simply ultraviolet light, is a lamp that emits short wave (UV-A) ultraviolet light and not much visible light. The lamp has a violet filter material, either on the bulb or in a separate glass filter in the lamp housing, which blocks most visible light and allows through UV, so the lamp has a dim violet glow when operating.


A second type of bulb, which is also called black light, produces ultraviolet but does not have the filter material, so it produces more visible light and has a blue color when operating. Although many other types of lamp emit ultraviolet light with visible light, black lights are essential when UV-A light without visible light is needed, particularly in observing fluorescence, the colored glow that many substances emit when exposed to UV. Black lights are employed for decorative and artistic lighting effects, diagnostic and therapeutic uses in medicine, the detection of substances tagged with fluorescent dyes, rock-hunting, the detection of counterfeit money, the curing of plastic resins, and attracting insects.

I am happy to see you among those interested in the enchanting world of hidden lights. I am sure there are a lot more discoveries to come. Please feel free to share your opinions, experiences, and ideas.